Guadalupe Elementary School

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Response to Instruction (RTI)- Flexible Grouping

Guadalupe School
Response to Instruction Flex Grouping Fact Sheet
An innovative instructional process is being implemented at Guadalupe School. Teachers deliver a system that differentiates instruction in reading or mathematics to maximize student achievement. This block is called Flexible Grouping. Some also refer to this differentiated block of time as “RTI,” short for “Response to Instruction.” Essentially, every day when it’s time for instruction, students get up and break into groups that are designed to meet their specific learning needs, as determined by assessment data. Each teacher from that particular grade level oversees a different cluster of kids, delivering comprehension lessons that are tailor-made to their students. Students are generally studying the same texts and studying the same vocabulary words. They’re doing so in different ways – again, all targeted to their needs.

Students enjoy the daily change of classrooms, the opportunity to work with students in different classrooms and the opportunity to participate in smaller, more targeted groups. Teachers and administrators say FlexGrouping encourages grade-level collaboration, and reduces behavior problems.

  • Regular and intense grade Level Collaboration to ensure the most effective methods for the delivery of instruction to meet the needs of students.
  • Increased small group and direct, targeted instruction to students at their instructional level for at least part of each day.
  • Student grouping for part of the Language Arts or Mathematics instructional period to provide more focused instruction based on student need.
  • Initial assessment and on-going formative assessments to ensure proper student level placement and continued progress monitoring.
  • Greater enrichment to those students already performing at proficient or advanced.