Guadalupe Elementary School

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Guadalupe Elementary students receive Fine Art instruction and participate in hands-on art projects 6 times per year in the classroom with Art Vistas. This program is funded by Guadalupe’s Home and School Club.
Art Vistas is a non-profit organization formed in 1984 to provide instruction and enrichment in art history, art appreciation, and art techniques for all children in the Union School District. The organization is served district-wide by an elected executive board, a head docent from each participating school and classroom docents at each school. All members of Art Vistas are parent volunteers.
Each classroom requires 3-4 parent volunteers (1 lead docent and 2-3 helpers) to make this program a success. The docents are provided with "mini exhibits" of great works of art to bring into the classrooms and conduct easy-to-understand discussions with the children; this is followed by hands-on projects that provide unique creative opportunities for each student. Docents are required to attend training programs provided by Art Vistas. First-time docents are required to attend one general training session in addition to the appropriate grade level training. The general training session dates are offered twice in the month of September(1 evening or 1 Saturday morning). Every classroom lead docent is required to participate in grade-level training. All grade-level training is from 7-9pm at the Union School District office in the M&O building. Grade-level training is required twice per year, in October and February. Please check the District calendar for dates.
Guadalupe has its own art show towards the end of the school year. The cafeteria will be turned into an art gallery where you can see student art from each classroom.