Guadalupe Elementary School

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Union School District strives to provide the highest quality educational experience for our students. Included in that is a high-quality physical education (P.E.) program in our elementary schools. California Education Code governs how much PE is taught in each classroom. As per California Education Code 51210(a)(7), first through sixth-grade teachers are required to teach 200 minutes of physical education over 10 instructional days. It is at the discretion of the classroom teacher as to how and when these minutes are distributed over this time frame. 
We are providing this notice to inform parents/guardians that, if they have questions regarding P.E. minutes, they should first contact their child’s teacher or principal. If they are not satisfied with the school’s response, they may contact the Director of Educational Services. If there is an interest in filing a formal complaint with the district regarding P.E. minutes of instruction, parents are to use the District’s Uniform Complaint Procedures. Forms are available at each school, the District Office and on the web site. We in the Union School District encourage a well-rounded educational experience, and physical education is a strong component of that experience.